EAC Certificate for Measuring Equipment

The Metrological EAC Certification procedure is a legally prescribed method for quality assurance of measuring instruments. In Russia, the Federal Office for Technical Regulation and Metrology - Rosstandard is responsible for monitoring certified measuring equipment and measuring instruments. The Metrological EAC Certification procedure is a legally prescribed method for quality assurance of measuring instruments. In Russia, the Federal Office for Technical Regulation and Metrology - Rosstandard is responsible for monitoring certified measuring equipment and measuring instruments.

The Metrological EAC Certification procedure is a legally prescribed method for quality assurance of measuring instruments. In Russia, the Federal Office for Technical Regulation and Metrology - Rosstandard is responsible for monitoring certified measuring equipment and measuring instruments.

An EAC Certificate for measuring equipment confirms that the certified product meets the requirements of the Technical Regulations. With an EAC Certificate for measuring equipment, the products can be exported to Russia and the EEU States. During the EAC Certification, the measurement deviation of certified devices are documented and secured and the instruments are subjected to the necessary technical tests. 

Metrological EAC Certification (Metrological Pattern Approval or quality approval) is an affirmation of conformity for measuring instruments which are liable to calibration according to Technical Regulations.

Metrological EAC Certification

The Metrological EAC Certification process is carried out according to the regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. Individual devices are sent to a testing institution accredited by Rosstandard. There, the technology is tested in various ways. If the equipment passes the tests successfully, an EAC Certificate for measuring equipment is issued by Rosstandard and the product is entered in the state register. For a German or European exporter, this means that the products can be exported to the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union without any further obstacles.

If the equipment has successfully passed all the necessary metrological tests, it is listed in the state register as approved measuring equipment. From the moment of registration, the products can be used in Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union. Registration of an EAC Certificate for measuring equipment can be done for single delivery, for serial delivery and for serial production. For Metrological Certification for serial production, a production audit is required.

In Russia, Metrological EAC Certification is carried out in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation dated November 30, 2009 N1081.

Metrological EAC Certification and consists of the following steps:

  1. Application for Metrological Certification
  2. Testing of Measuring Instruments and Equipment
  3. Analysis and Evaluation of Test Reports
  4. Decision on the Approval of the Measuring Equipment
  5. Issuance of the Metrological Certificate
  6. Registration of Measuring Instruments

Documents for Metrological EAC Certification

The following documents and records are required for Certification:

Other documents may be required. For detailed information, please contact us.

Mandatory Metrological EAC Certification

According to Russian legislation and the Federal Law on Ensuring Unified Measurement Procedures, of June 2008, FS 102N, only certified measuring equipment may be used in certain areas of public life. This is controlled by the state. The control is carried out by Rosstandard. Rosstandard is a Federal Office responsible for Technical Regulations. When all the requirements of the Federal Law on Ensuring Unified Measurement Procedures are met, an EAC Certificate for measuring equipment is issued and the product is entered in the state register of products subject to EAC Certification.

The areas of public life include:

  • Health Care
  • Veterinary Medicine
  • Occupational Safety
  • Armament Industry
  • Operational Safety
  • Cartography and Geodesy
  • Environmental Protection
  • Trade

Registration of approved measuring instruments and measuring equipment is carried out by the Russian Research Institute for Standardization and Metrology - VNIIMS.

Voluntary Metrological EAC Certification

Furthermore, there is voluntary Metrological EAC Certification. The manufacturer can certify his products on a voluntary basis, if according to the regulations of the Federal Law on Ensuring Unified Measurement Procedures, the goods do not belong to the product groups that are liable to certification. Thus, the voluntary EAC Certificate for measuring equipment serves as a proof of quality for measuring equipment that is not subject to mandatory Metrological Certification. Voluntary Metrological Certification is defined by the Law of the Russian Federation - On Ensuring Unified Measurement Procedures.

Voluntary Metrological Certification of measuring instruments and measuring equipment can be carried out only by certification organizations that have been accredited by Rosstandard. Metrological EAC Certification is an important prerequisite for participation in governmental tenders and discounts. Without the appropriate EAC Certificates, participation in a state tender is not possible.

Duration and Cost of Metrological Certification

The Metrological EAC Certification is a long, complex and rather expensive procedure. The exact duration and cost of Metrological EAC Certification depends on various factors, for example: characteristics and complexity of the measuring instruments as well as the extent of the required tests. The exact procedures of certification are determined after an evaluation of the products. Application for EAC Certificate for measuring instruments may take several months. After approval, a Metrological EAC Certification for serial production can be issued for a maximum of 1 to 5 years.

Renewal of Metrological Certificate

The EAC Certificate for measuring instruments can be renewed every 5 years, for this purpose the manufacturer or authorized representative of the manufacturer must submit the relevant application for renewal of the EAC Metrological Certificate at least three months before the expiration date of the previous Certificate. The decision on the renewal of the EAC Certificate will be made by Rosstandard. Provided that the measuring device has not undergone any structural changes and no complaints have been received from citizens regarding the device in the last 5 years, the renewal of the Certificate is usually granted.

EAC Certification of Measuring Instruments

Measuring instruments and measuring equipment are usually subject to additional EAC Declaration

The safety requirements for measuring equipment are contained in two Technical Regulations of the EEU:

  • TR CU 004/2011 - On the Safety of Low-Voltage Equipment
  • TR CO 020/2011 - On Electromagnetic Compatibility

Initial Calibration of Measuring Instruments

Before being put into operation in Russia and / or EEU States, EAC measuring equipment that is subject to Certification must first be accredited by an initial calibration of the measuring instruments. Prior to this Initial Calibration/Poverka, the measuring equipment and measuring instruments must be registered in the State Register of Measuring Equipment. If the measuring equipment or measuring instruments are used for governmental organizations or institutions, a mandatory initial calibration of the measuring devices is required. Initial calibration is similar to factory calibration of measuring instruments.

In Russia and the EEU States, initial calibration is confirmed by a special approval authority. The calibrated measuring instruments and measuring equipment are marked with a special EAC Calibration Mark. Before the initial calibration, the measuring instrument or measuring equipment must be approved by Metrological Certification and listed in the register of measuring equipment.

EAC Marking of Measuring Instruments

After successfully passing all Metrological tests, the measuring device is entered into the State Register of Approved Measuring Equipment. The measuring instruments must be marked with the СТ Calibration Mark for Approved Measuring Equipment before being placed on the market. Marking of measuring devices with the СТ Mark is only allowed during the validity period of the Metrological EAC Approval Certificate.

After the expiration of the certificate, marking is no longer permitted. The СТ Mark must be placed on each measuring instrument and must be clearly legible. The accompanying technical documents contain information about the EAC Certification and registration of the product.

Legal Basis of Metrological EAC Certification

The legal basis of Metrological EAC Certification is the Federal Law on Ensuring Unified Measurement Procedures N102. After the successful certification process, you will first receive a digital version of the EAC Approval by e-mail. The original Approval is sent to the customer by insured document shipment. The digital version contains all the necessary details for handling exports.

Authorized Representation for EAC Certification

According to the regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union, it is stipulated that the manufacturer must have a registered office in the Common Economic Territory of the EEU Countries in order to apply for EAC Certification. Therefore, a representative of the manufacturer is required to apply for certification.

Often, a business partner of the manufacturer from one of the EEU countries acts as the applicant. It is necessary to take into account that afterwards only this partner has the exclusive right of distribution for the whole certification period and must issue an authorization of distribution activity for all other distributors. In such situations, the manufacturer becomes dependent on his business partner who acted as the manufacturer's contractual person during certification.

If you wish to remain independent of individual distributors, we can provide you with a contract person. This task can be performed by our Russian branch. After successful EAC Certification, we will issue an authorization of distribution activity to all your business partners. If you wish to remain independent, we can provide a contract person. If you later decide to part with certain distributors or want to engage new distributors, we will assist you with all your assignments and withdraw or issue the authorization of distribution activity accordingly.

Our Services

We offer the following services to our clients:

  1. Performance of Initial Calibration of Measuring Equipment
  2. Performance of EAC Certification for Measuring Instruments
  3. Consulting for the Initial Calibration of Measuring Instruments
  4. Consulting for the EAC Certification of Measuring Instruments
  5. Consulting for the EAC Marking of Measuring Instruments and Equipment

For more information regarding EAC Certification of Measuring Equipments, please contact us.