EAC Certificate // Certification for Chemicals

An EAC Certificate for chemicals and fuels confirms that the product is EAC compliant. EAC Certification for chemicals and fuels. An EAC Certificate for chemicals and fuels confirms that the product is EAC compliant. EAC Certification for chemicals and fuels.

The EAC Certification for Chemicals, Mineral Fertilizers and Additives is carried out in accordance with the legal provisions and requirements of the Technical Regulations on Chemical Products and Additives.

The Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) Technical Regulations (TR CU) stipulate minimum safety requirements for chemicals, mineral fertilizers and additives for use on the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union. An EAC Certificate for Chemicals is a mandatory EAC Approval Document.

Application of the Technical Regulations

The Technical Regulations (TR CU/EEU) of the EEU determine unified rules concerning the safety of chemicals, fuels and combustibles in the Eurasian Economic Union.

  • EAC Certification for Fuels - TR CU 013/2011
  • EAC Certification for Hydrocarbon Gas - TR EEU 036/2016
  • EAC Certification for Gaseous Fuels - TR CU 016/2011
  • EAC Certification for Special Liquids - TR CU 030/2012
  • EAC Certification for Hazardous Substances - TR EEU 037/2016
  • EAC Certification for Natural Gas Products - TR EEU 046/2018
  • EAC Certification for Mineral Oil Products - TR EEU 045/2017
  • EAC Certification for Mineral Fertilizers - TR EEU 039/2016
  • EAC Certification for Chemicals - TR EEU 041/2017

EAC Certification for Chemicals

EAC Certification of fuels is carried out in accordance with legal requirements of the Technical Regulations of the EEU States. Through the Technical Regulations (TR CU), unified requirements for the minimum safety of fuels and combustibles in the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) are established.

The Technical Regulations contain minimum safety requirements concerning production, commissioning, transportation, storage and disposal of fuels and combustibles in the EEU Countries. The objective of the Eurasian Economic Union Technical Regulations is to protect the life and health of citizens and their property in the EEU Countries.

For a long time, there were no unified regulations for chemical substances, compositions and mixtures in the EEU Countries, such as REACH in European Union. As a result, chemicals were EAC certified by the regulations of several Technical Directives. 

In 2017, the Technical Regulations TR EEU 041/2017 - On the safety of Chemicals was published. The regulations protect the health of citizens in the EEU States. The Technical Regulations TR EEU 041/2017 can be compared with the European REACH Regulation.

Individual standards and practices for the production, storage, transportation and EAC Marking of chemicals and chemical compositions are stipulated and maintained by the requirements of the Technical Regulations.

The following EAC Approvals are possible for confirming EAC Compliance of Chemicals:

  • EAC Certification
  • EAC Declaration
  • GOST Certification
  • GOST Declaration
  • State Registration

Chemical products are divided as follows:

  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • Petrochemical Products
  • Polymers and Copolymers
  • Cosmetics and Personal Care Products
  • Organic Synthetic Products
  • Sealing Materials and Adhesives
  • Paints and Varnishes
  • Lubricants and Coolants
  • Cleaning Products
  • Mineral Fertilizers
  • Medicines

The following records and documents are required for EAC Approval of Chemicals:

  • Product Description
  • Instructions for Use
  • Technical Documentation
  • Technical Data Sheets
  • Safety Assessment
  • Customs Tariff Number
  • Test Records
  • Certificates such as CE, ISO, EAC, GOST or DIN
  • If Necessary, Further Documents and Records

EAC Certificate for Chemical Substances

The Eurasian Economic Union Technical Regulations (TR CU/EEU) detail unified safety requirements regarding the transport, use, approval and recycling of chemical products and their composition. The Technical Regulation TR EEU 041/2017 bears certain similarities with the European REACH and CLP regulations.

According to the provisions of the Technical Regulations (TR CU/EEU), all chemical products must be registered in a special chemical register. In this process, chemical products are divided into hazard groups.

Hazard groups:

  • Substitutable Substances
  • Heatable Substances
  • Water-Reactive Substances
  • Explosive Substances
  • Fuel Gases
  • Compressed Gases

EAC Certification of chemical products is performed by two different methods:

  • State Approval of Chemical Products
  • State Registration of Chemical Products

New and possibly hazardous chemical products are approved through the State Approval Method. For all other chemical products, the State Notification Method is used.

EAC Certificate for Mineral Fertilizers

The Technical Regulation TR EEU 039/2016 On the Safety of Mineral Fertilizers stipulates unified rules regarding the safety of mineral fertilizers in the Eurasian Economic Union. Technical Regulation TR EEU 039/2016 On the Safety of Mineral Fertilizers details requirements regarding the transportation, storage and marking of mineral fertilizers. The TR EEU 039/2016 Technical Regulations are applied to all types of mineral fertilizers, such as single nutrient or complex fertilizers and solid or liquid fertilizers.

For EAC Certification for mineral fertilizers, State Registration is prescribed in the Technical Regulations TR EEU 039/2016 On the Safety of Mineral Fertilizers. State Registration requires an application from the manufacturer or his legal representative and a Certificate of Compliance with the Technical Regulations TR EEU 039/2016.

State Registration is carried out by accredited registration laboratories within the Eurasian Economic Union. The registration laboratories are accredited by the Russian authorities Rossstandard and Rosspotrebnadzor or by similar institutions in other Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU States).

GOST Certificate for Chemicals

GOST Certification and GOST Declaration is a legally required measure for the proof of EAC Conformity of chemicals and mixtures. The legal basis for GOST Declaration of chemicals has been detailed in Order N982. GOST Certificates and GOST Declarations are valid only in the Russian Federation.

For the other Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union, the respective national approvals and certificates must be applied for.

The following product groups are subject to mandatory GOST Certification / GOST Declaration:

  • Coatings
  • Paints
  • Varnishes
  • Lubricating Oils
  • Detergents
  • Primer

State Registration for Chemicals

State Registration is mandatory for various groups of chemicals in the Eurasian Economic Union Countries. The compulsory State Registration is defined by the regulations of EEU States and is an obligatory measure for export to Russia and EEU States.

The following product groups are subject to State Registration:

  • Disinfectants
  • Various Minerals
  • Various Chemicals
  • Organic Solutions
  • Hazardous Chemicals
  • Diluents
  • Antifreeze Agents

Technical Regulation TR EEU 041/2017 

In 2017, a new Technical Regulations On the Safety of Chemicals was adopted by the EEU Commission. The new Technical Regulation TR EEU 041/2017 - On the Safety of Chemicals serves as basis for proof of EAC Conformity in the Common Customs Territory of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU States). The new Technical Regulations TR EEU 041/2017 - On the Safety of Chemicals is similar to the European REACH regulation and CLP regulation.

The Technical Regulation 041/2017 TR EEU introduces new requirements:

  • Notification of New Chemicals
  • Register of Chemicals and Mixtures

The TR EEU Technical Regulations apply to the following chemicals:

  • Medicines
  • Mineral Resources
  • Perfumes and Cosmetic Products
  • Chemicals with Ionizing Radiation
  • Chemicals for Scientific Purposes
  • Food and Food Additives

Register of Chemicals and Mixtures

As part of the EAC Confirmation of Conformity in accordance with the provisions of the Technical Regulations TR EEU 041/2017, an entry in the Unified Register of Chemicals and Mixtures of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) is required.

The Inventory of Chemicals is the first part of entering the products into the unified register of chemical substances and compositions of the Eurasian Economic Union. Listing in the Chemical Inventory will be carried out until 01.03.2021. Information derived from the Chemical Inventory will be transferred to the national sections of the Chemical Register.

If a chemical substance has not been entered in the register yet, the product is considered a new substance and must be notified. Identification and classification of chemicals is carried out by the manufacturer or importer using examinations and tests, as well as IUPAC Nomenclature and CAS Number.

The class and type of chemical substance is entered in the SDS Safety Data Sheet. The Safety Data Sheet is issued prior to export to Russia and EEU states and is part of the accompanying documentation required for customs clearance.

Notification of Chemicals

Notification of chemicals occurs by registration in the Unified Register of Chemicals and Compositions of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) and is carried out by accredited certification service providers. Notification is only required for new chemicals.

Until 02.06.2023, manufacturers and importers are allowed to enter chemicals in the unified register without notification, but in order to do that, they must prove that the chemicals were in circulation in the territory of the Customs Union of EEU States until 02.06.2021.

For notification of chemicals, the following information is required:

  • Chemical Safety Report
  • Product Name According to IUPAC
  • SDS Safety Data Sheet
  • Chemical Formula
  • CAS Number
  • Analysis Report
  • Purity Level
  • Field of Application
  • Information on Disposal
  • Information on Transportation
  • Physical Properties
  • Chemical Properties
  • Toxic Properties
  • Environmental Toxicity
  • Testing Protocols

State Registration in accordance with TR CU 041/2017

The EAC Conformity of Chemical Products can be determined according to the following methods:

  • State Registration with Notification
  • State Registration with Approval

State Registration with notification is provided for the chemicals that are already listed in the Register of Chemicals and Mixtures of the EEU States and meet the minimum safety requirements of the Technical Regulations TR CU 041/2017. The registration period is unlimited in time.

State Registration with approval is prescribed for the product groups, that contain limited permissible substances and mixtures. These chemicals and compositions are listed in the Register of Chemicals and Mixtures of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU). State Registration for restricted substances and mixtures is valid for 5 years.

EAC Declaration for Fuels

For the proof of conformity according to TR CU 013/2011 - On the Safety of Gasoline, Diesel and Fuel Oil for Various Types of Engines, an EAC Declaration is carried out. The Regulations of TR CU 030/2012 apply to lubricants, lubricating oils, engine oils, gear oils, hydraulic oils, industrial oils and turbine oils.

The Technical Regulation TR EEU 036/2016 On the Safety of Liquefied Hydrocarbon Gases used as fuel is applied for the following products: hydrocarbon gas for use in private households, hydrocarbon gas for use in industrial production, use as fuel for various means of transportation.

The following documents are required for EAC Declaration of Combustibles and Fuels:

  • Technical Documentation
  • Safety Characteristics
  • Customs Tariff Number
  • Test Records
  • Data Sheets
  • Product Description
  • Composition

EAC Certificate for Natural Gas and Mineral Oil

For proof of conformity and access to the EAC market, petroleum products and natural gas must comply with the requirements of the Technical Regulations (TR CU). The confirmation of EAC Conformity is examined and validated by a testing laboratory accredited in the Eurasian Economic Union.

EAC Labeling of Chemicals and Fuels

EAC certified products are labelled with an EAC Marking of the Customs Union. Thus, EAC Conformity with Eurasian Economic Union Technical Regulations is confirmed. In accordance with the regulations of TR EEU 041/2017, the EAC certified products are tagged with the EAC Mark before being placed on the market.

The EAC Marking must be applied to each individual packaging unit and label. Afterwards, the EAC Marking must be easily identifiable and legible throughout the product's useful life.

The EAC Marking can also be attached to the accompanying documents it it is not possible to apply the EAC Mark on label or transport packaging.

The EAC Marking of chemical products in the EEU States must be in Russian and/or in the official language of the respective Member State.

The following information must be provided on the label:

  • Product Name
  • Contact Information of the Manufacturer
  • Contact Information of the Importer
  • Concentration of Hazardous Substances
  • Storage Instructions
  • Shelf Life Notice
  • Warning Notice

Requirements for EAC Marking:

  • Monochrome Color Scheme
  • Dimensions of at least 5 mm
  • Clear Color Contrast with the Surface
  • Good Legibility Throughout the Life of the Product

Cost, Duration and Validity of EAC Certification

The cost of issuing EAC Certificates and EAC Declarations is calculated individually depending on the type of product, industry and Technical Regulations. An EAC Certificate can be issued on a single or serial production basis. The validity period of EAC Certificates is also regulated differently. In general, an EAC Certificate can be created for the period of 1 to 5 years.

The time frame necessary for the issuance of the EAC Certificate depends on both the specific product and industry as well as the related Technical Regulations. EAC Approval of Chemicals, Mineral Fertilizers and Additives varies greatly depending on the project. In most cases, it takes approximately 30 to 50 working days to prepare the EAC Approval.

For detailed information regarding EAC Certification for Chemicals, Mineral Fertilizers and Additives, please contact us.

Contractor for EAC Certification

According to the Eurasian Economic Union regulations, it is required that the producer must have a registered office in the Economic Territory of the EEU States in order to apply for EAC Certification. If that is not the case, a representative of the producer has to apply for the EAC Certification processes in the Customs Union. The representative must be located in one of the Customs Union Member States.

Often the applicant is a business partner of the manufacturer from one of the states of the Eurasian Economic Union. It is necessary to take into account that after certification only this partner has an exclusive right of distribution during the entire certification period and must issue an authorization of sales activity for all other distributors.

If you are a distributor, you must have an authorization for sales activities. If you as the manufacturer wish to remain independent of individual distributors, we can provide you with a legal contract person. This task can be performed by our Russian branch. After successful certification, we will issue an authorization of distribution activity to all your business partners.

Our Services

We offer the following services to our clients:

  1. Performance of EAC Certification for Chemicals and Fuels
  2. Performance of EAC Declaration for Chemicals and Fuels
  3. Consulting for EAC Declaration for Chemicals and Fuels
  4. Consulting for EAC Certification for Chemicals and Fuels
  5. Consulting for EAC Labeling for Chemicals and Fuels

For more information regarding EAC Certification of chemicals please feel free to contact us.