Safety Data Sheet for EAC Certification

Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for EAC Certification in Russia and EEU States. EAC Certificate and EAC Declaration for various products. Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for EAC Certification in Russia and EEU States. EAC Certificate and EAC Declaration for various products.

A Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is an important tool for communicating safety-related information about the composition of products. Safety Data Sheets (SDS) contain important information for EAC Certification and EAC Declaration. Through the SDS, relevant data and information for the use of the products are transmitted. These are intended for environmental protection, health protection and well-being of people working with the product. The preparation of Safety Data Sheets is required for substances, materials and mixtures in accordance with the GOST 30333-2007.

Safety Data Sheets for EAC Certification

A Safety Data Sheet consists of 16 parts:

  • Designation of the Substances
  • Information on the Manufacturer
  • Composition of the Products
  • Information on Individual Ingredients of the Products
  • Possible Hazards Associated with the Use of the Products
  • Chemical and Physical Properties of the Products
  • Instructions on First Aid Measures in the Event of an Accident
  • Instructions for Fire-Fighting in the Event of an Accident
  • Instructions for Unplanned Release of Substances
  • Instructions for the Use and Storage of Products and Substances 
  • Instructions for Personal Protective Equipment when Using Products
  • Instructions for Stability and Reactivity
  • Environmental Information
  • Toxicological Information
  • Information on Disposal
  • Information on Recycling

Safety Data Sheets are not required for EAC Certification of the following products:

  • Finished Food Products
  • Finished Medicines
  • Finished Cosmetic Products
  • Finished Perfumery Products
  • Natural Resources

Legislation and EAC Regulations

The provisions of GOST 30333-2007 and the REACH Regulation are identical in many respects. However, individual differences exist between REACH Regulation and GOST Standard 30333-2007. 

Due to the provisions of GOST Standard 30333-2007, a Russian Safety Data Sheet must contain important information and instructions on the transport and storage of hazardous substances and their hazard potential. In addition, Russian Safety Data Sheets must include information on the possible effects on the health of citizens of the Russian Federation and on the environment. Russian EAC Norms, EAC Standards and laws must be followed when preparing the Safety Data Sheet in accordance with the provisions of GOST Standard 30333-2007.

Preparation of Safety Data Sheets is required for EAC Certification according to the following EAC Standards:

  • Technical Regulations TR CU 004/2011 - for the EAC Certification of Low Voltage Equipment
  • Technical Regulations TR CU 006/2011 - for the EAC Certification of Pyrotechnic Products
  • Technical Regulations TR CU 010/2011 - for the EAC Certification of Machinery and Equipment
  • Technical Regulations TR CU 013/2011 - for the EAC Certification of Gasoline, Diesel and Fuel Oil
  • Technical Regulations TR EEU 041/2017 - for the EAC Certification of Chemical Products

Creation of Safety Data Sheets

A Safety Data Sheet is prepared prior to export to Russia or the Eurasian Economic Union and submitted during certification.

The following documents are required:

  • Title Page
  • Safety Data Sheet
  • Information on Composition
  • Information on Guidelines, Norms and Standards

Validity Period of Safety Data Sheets

The validity period of Safety Data Sheets depends on the hazard potential of the individual materials:

  • A Safety Data Sheet for Particularly Hazardous Substances is Issued for 3 Years
  • A Safety Data Sheet for Less Hazardous Substances is Issued for 5 Years.

For detailed information on the preparation of Safety Data Sheets in accordance with GOST Standard 30333-2007, please contact us.

Duration of Creating Safety Data Sheets

The duration and cost of preparing Safety Data Sheets depend on both the product and industry in question as well as the related Technical Regulations and necessary tests. As a rule, the preparation time of a Safety Data Sheet lies between 25 and 30 days. For more detailed information, please contact us.

Authorized Contract Person for EAC Certification

According to the Eurasian Economic Union regulations, it is required that the manufacturer must have a registered office in the Common Economic Territory of the EEU States in order to apply for EAC Certification or EAC Declaration. Therefore, an authorized representative of the manufacturer is required to apply for EAC Certification processes in the Customs Union (CU/EEU), if that is not the case. The authorized representative must have a registered office in one of the Member States of the Customs Union.

Often the representative is a distributor of the manufacturer from one of the states of the Eurasian Economic Union. It is necessary to take into account that afterwards only this distributor owns the exclusive right of distribution for the entire certification period and must issue an authorization for sales activity to all other distributors. 

In such situations, the manufacturer becomes dependent on his business partner, who acted as the authorized contract person of the manufacturer during the EAC Certification or EAC Declaration. If you wish to remain independent of individual distributors, we can provide you with a legal contract person.

This task can be performed by our Russian branch. After successful EAC Certification, we will issue an authorization for distribution activities to all your business partners. Provided that you decide over time to part with certain distributors or to engage new ones, we will assist you with all your wishes and withdraw or reissue the authorization accordingly.

Our Services

We offer the following services to our customers:

  1. Preparation of EAC Safety Data Sheets
  2. Consulting for EAC Labeling
  3. Consulting for EAC Safety Data Sheets
  4. Performance of EAC Declaration and EAC Certification
  5. Consulting for EAC Declaration and EAC Certification

For more information regarding EAC Safety Data Sheets and EAC Documentation, please contact us.