GOST Certificate // Certification for EEU States

The term GOST Certificate in German translation means Certificate of Conformity and confirms that the product complies with the standards of the GOST Certification System. A GOST Certificate is an official confirmation that the certified products meet Russian quality and safety requirements. The term GOST Certificate in German translation means Certificate of Conformity and confirms that the product complies with the standards of the GOST Certification System. A GOST Certificate is an official confirmation that the certified products meet Russian quality and safety requirements.

The term GOST Certificate in German translation means Certificate of Conformity and confirms that the product complies with the standards of the GOST Certification System. A GOST Certificate is an official confirmation that the certified products meet Russian quality and safety requirements.

The GOST Standards were adopted by Russia from the Soviet era. Therefore, GOST Certification is still considered a proof of conformity today and is mandatory for many product groups. After the decision of the States of the Eurasian Economic Union (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan) on harmonization of national safety standards came into force, individual national safety standards were abolished and the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (TR CU) were introduced.

Application of GOST Certification

New methods of EAC Conformity Assessment were implemented with the introduction of the new Technical Regulations. The current methods of the EAC Conformity Assessment in the Eurasian Economic Union include EAC Certification, EAC Declaration and other EAC Approvals.

Behind the designation GOST, the number of the relevant standard is stated, for example:

  • GOST 1497 84 Metals, Testing Mehod for Tensile Strength
  • GOST 54328 2011 Dentistry

If the requirements of the respective GOST Standards are met, this is confirmed by a GOST Certificate or a GOST Declaration. In this case, the goods can be exported to Russia without any problems.

The following product groups are subject to GOST Certification:

  • Pipes and Piping Parts
  • Steel Cables and Metal Products
  • Steam Boilers and Heating Boilers
  • Conveyor Belts and Mining Machinery
  • Wood Products and Packaging
  • Sports Boats and Lifeboats
  • Electrical Equipment and Power Cables
  • Air Conditioning Systems and Air Conditioning Units
  • Food and Chemicals
  • Cosmetics and Personal Care Products
  • Sports Guns and Hunting Weapons

Process of GOST Certification

The GOST Certification process consists of the following steps:

  1. Application
  2. Documentation Review
  3. Classification of the Product
  4. Selection of Product Samples
  5. Testing and Analysis
  6. Issuance of GOST Certificate
  7. Supervision of Certified Products

GOST Certificate for Russia

In Russia, certification regulations apply for most products in circulation. There are more than 100 product groups that are subject to GOST Certification and GOST Declaration according to Russian legislation. Within these product groups, various products are listed that are also liable to GOST Certification. These include steel and metal products, devices and equipment, machinery and production plants.

For a successful and smooth export activity, EAC Certification or GOST Certification is inevitable. An EAC Certificate or an EAC Declaration is issued by a certification institution located and accredited in Russia or in the Eurasian Economic Union. GOST Certification, similar to EAC Certification, requires a Russian or Eurasian legal entity as the applicant. A GOST Certificate can be made for a single delivery as well as for serial productions.

GOST Declaration for Russia

The difference between a GOST Certificate and a GOST Declaration lies in the application procedures. Additionally, the GOST Declaration process has a different definition in the legal sense than the GOST Certification process. The GOST Declaration can be compared to the CE Declaration of Conformity. 

A GOST Declaration of the goods is required by law and is constantly controlled. As a rule, various food products, consumer goods, furniture, clothing and footwear are declared. The GOST Declaration procedure is permanently changed by the modern Technical Regulations of the Customs Union.

GOST Certification and GOST Declaration differ by several criteria:

  • Application either by the Manufacturer or the Contract Person
  • Registration of the Certificates of Conformity
  • Validity Period of Approval Documents
  • Need for External Surveillance
  • Classification of Products
  • Necessity of Inspection Controls
  • Methods of Conformity Assessment
  • Quality Assurance of Products

Contents of the GOST Certificate

A GOST Certificate contains detailed information about the manufacturer and the product. Usually, yellow paper is used for mandatory GOST Certification and blue paper is used for voluntary GOST Certification. 

On the GOST Certificate, the following information must be included:

  • Registration Number of the GOST Certificate
  • Technical Code or GOST Standard
  • Detailed Product Description
  • Validity of the GOST Certificate
  • Details of the Manufacturer
  • Certification Authority
  • Approval Documents
  • HS Code

Number of GOST Certificate 

Each GOST Certificate has a unique certificate number and is registered in the certification register of the Russian Licensing Authority.

For example: POCC_DE_XXXX_A/B_XXXX

  • POCC - Russia
  • DE - Germany
  • XXXX - Certification Authority
  • A - GOST Certification for Batch Delivery
  • B - GOST Certification for Serial Delivery
  • XXXX - GOST Certificate Number

Necessary Documents for GOST Certification

All products subject to GOST Certification are covered by Decree N982 of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 01.12.2009. The list of goods subject to certification contains over 100 product groups, and certification is mandatory for all these product groups. For the implementation of a GOST Certification or a GOST Declaration, the information, documents and accompanying documents below are necessary. Accompanying documents are usually prepared in Russian language.

For the successful preparation of the Certificate the following documents are required:

Other records and documents may be required. This will be checked on a product-specific basis.

Types of GOST Certificates

There are several types of GOST Certifications and GOST Declarations in Russia, CIS States and EEU Member States.

1. Voluntary GOST Certification

Voluntary GOST Certification is usually carried out as an additional proof of quality. The voluntarily certified products can also be marked with an EAC Mark, TR Mark and GOST Mark.

2. Mandatory GOST Certification

Mandatory GOST Certification is required by law and is strictly controlled. Mandatory GOST Certification is stipulated for products with higher safety requirements. The products certified according to GOST Standards must be tagged with an EAC Mark or a GOST Mark.

3. GOST Certification for Serial Production

GOST Certification is usually carried out for a period of 1 to 3 years for serial deliveries of products. Furthermore, there is a possibility to make GOST Certification of goods for batch delivery.

4. GOST Certification for Batch Deliveries

GOST Certification, similar to EAC Certification and TR CU Certification, is also possible for individual deliveries (batch deliveries). In the case of GOST Certification for a period of less than one year, conformity testing is carried out on the basis of product samples.

GOST Fire Safety Certification

A number of product groups, such as building materials or floor coverings, are subject to GOST Fire Safety Certification. A GOST Certificate is a governmental confirmation that the certified products comply with GOST Standards. The safety of goods in terms of fire resistance must be guaranteed. A GOST Certificate allows the manufacturer to export the certified products to Russia and EEU Member States.  

Furthermore, it is possible to issue an EAC Fire Safety Certification for all EEU Member States including Russia. In Russia, the requirements for fire protection products are governed by Regulation N241. In the EEU States, safety requirements for fire protection and firefighting equipment are specified in the Customs Union Technical Regulations TR EEU 043/2017 for Fire Safety Certification.

Hygienic GOST Certification

Hygienic GOST Certification is a governmental proof that the certified products comply with the hygienic regulations of Russia and the Technical Regulations (TR CU/TR EEU) of the Eurasian Economic Union. Both the importer and the manufacturer can apply for SGR Registration. The SGR Confirmation of State Registration is equally valid in all countries of the Eurasian Economic Union.

Guidelines for GOST Certification

After the reform of GOST Certification and national regulations TR CU Conformity Assessment and the harmonization of Technical Regulations on July 18, 2010, the conformity regulations and safety requirements of individual EEU States were replaced by TR CU Guidelines. In the Eurasian Economic Union, EAC Certification and EAC Declaration were introduced as a new method of EAC Conformity Assessments.

GOST Marking

GOST certified and GOST declared products are marked with the appropriate GOST Marking in Russia. GOST Marking is a confirmation of GOST Conformity with the safety requirements of the GOST Certification System.

The GOST Marking of products which are liable to GOST Certification requirements according to GOST Standards is a prerequisite for access to the Russian market. Placing products on the market without appropriate GOST Marking is punishable by law.

A GOST Marking usually contains the following information:

  • Product Name
  • Country of Origin
  • Date of Manufacture
  • EAC Designation
  • Trademark
  • Headquarters of the Manufacturer
  • Dimensions of the Product
  • Legal Warranty Obligations
  • Chemical Composition

Depending on the industry, additional GOST Markings may be required.

Authorized Representation for GOST Certification 

According to the regulations of the Russian Federation, it is stipulated that the manufacturer must have a registered office in the Common Economic Territory of the EEU States in order to apply for  a GOST Certification. Thus, an authorized representative of the manufacturer is required for the application and implementation of GOST Certification processes in Russia and CIS States.

As a rule, a distributor of the manufacturer from the EEU States acts as the applicant. It is necessary to take into account that after GOST Certification only this distributor owns the exclusive right of distribution for the entire certification period. In such situations, the manufacturer becomes dependent on his business partner. If you wish to remain independent of individual distributors, we can provide you with a contract person. This task can be managed by our Russian offices in Moscow or Novosibirsk.

Duration of GOST Certification

The processes of GOST Certification are planned, calculated and determined according to the product requirements and delivery conditions. The application for a GOST Certificate or Declaration usually takes between 15 to 25 working days. A GOST Certificate is issued for single deliveries and serial production for a period of 1 to 3 years and is valid in all regions of Russia. Without the necessary GOST Certificate, products are not allowed to cross the Russian border.

Costs of GOST Certification

The cost of GOST Certification and GOST Declaration depends on several factors, for example the provisions of GOST-R Directives, the number of necessary product tests, the design and the composition of the goods. The cost of GOST Certification and GOST Declaration depends on several factors. In addition, it is necessary to clarify the number of the products to be certified and whether additional GOST tests are needed, such as inspections or Audits.

Legal Basis of GOST Certification

The legal basis of GOST Certification was established by the Law on Technical Regulations of December 2002 N184-FS and the Establishment of Certification Regulations of December 2009, N 982. The foundation of the Eurasian Customs Union and the harmonization of national GOST Standards and TR Standards of individual EEU Member States created a unified EAC Certification System that is equally valid in Russia and all EEU Member States. As a result, in addition to GOST Certification, EAC Certification is also valid in Russia.

EAC Certification can be applied for and carried out in all participating states of the Eurasian Economic Union according to the same principle. The establishment of the standard forms for the preparation of documents within the Customs Union N896 provides the legal basis for this process.

Our Services

We offer the following services to our customers:

  • Performance of GOST Certification
  • Performance of GOST Declaration
  • Consulting for GOST Certification
  • Consulting for GOST Declaration
  • Consulting for GOST Marking

For further questions regarding GOST Certification and GOST Declaration, please contact us.