Professional Consulting for EAC Certification

Professional Consulting for EAC Certification, EAC Marking and EAC Declaration for Russia and EEU States. Professional Consulting for EAC Certification, EAC Marking and EAC Declaration for Russia and EEU States.

We have many years of experience in handling export transactions with the CIS States and the States of the Eurasian Economic Union. We are happy to share this knowledge with our customers.

If your employees or management would like to acquire special knowledge regarding EAC Certification Processes, EAC Labeling Regulations and their legal basis in the Eurasian Economic Union, Russian Federation or in the CIS States, we are at your personal disposal.

EAC Consulting in Your Company

We share our knowledge by offering customized solutions for our clients and their specific projects. Thus, we develop long-term partnerships and guarantee the best solutions for our customers. We are happy to advise you regarding your products and the EAC Declarations, EAC Approvals and EAC Certifications required for them. In doing so, we will develop the most cost-effective and efficient option for you, customized specifically to meet the needs of your company and industry.

Our Offer for Your Company 

  • Individualized Consulting
  • Webinars and Seminars
  • Project Support and EAC Certification Matrix
  • Workshops, Trainings and Large Projects
  • Lectures and Presentations

EAC Certification in Russia and EEU States

An EAC Certificate or an EAC Declaration is a proof of EAC Conformity with the Technical Regulations of the EEU States. EAC Certification and EAC Declaration confirm to the manufacturer or importer that the certified products comply with the requirements of the Technical Regulations (TR CU/EEU) of the Eurasian Economic Union. An EAC Certificate or an EAC Declaration is listed in the Unified Register by a service provider accredited in the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union.

  1. Declaration for Machinery and Equipment
  2. Declaration for Furniture and Home Accessories
  3. Declaration for Electrical Engineering
  4. Declaration for Explosive Equipment
  5. Declaration for Food and Additives
  6. Declaration for Perfumes and Cosmetics
  7. Declaration for Textiles, Clothing and Footwear
  8. Declaration for Packaging and Materials
  9. Declaration for Chemicals and Fuels
  10. Declaration for Vehicles and Car Parts
  11. Declaration for Pressure Equipment

Documentation for EAC Certification 

Depending on the Technical Regulation (TR CU/TR EEU) of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU Member States), a number of additional Technical Documents are required for successful EAC Certification, such as a Technical Passport, a Data Sheet, a Safety Assessment or Operating Manuals. The Technical EAC Documentation for EAC Certification is performed according to the EAC Regulations for preparation of accompanying Technical Documents. Technical Support Documentation is prepared on the basis of Design Documentation and Technical Data and includes all mandatory documentation for EAC Approval and EAC Marking of various product groups. 

The following documents are required for EAC Certification:

  1. Detailed Product Description
  2. Detailed Description of the Field of Application
  3. Information about the Manufacturer and Importer
  4. Information about Packaging and Composition
  5. Operating and Maintenance Manuals
  6. Installation Instructions and Instruction Leaflet
  7. Internal or External Test Records
  8. Invoice or Proforma Invoice
  9. Contract with Trading Partner
  10. Specifications of the Contract
  11. Radiological Examination
  12. Schematics and Welding Certificates
  13. Safety Assessment / Risk Analysis
  14. Certification Matrix for EAC Certification
  15. Operating Manual for EAC Certification
  16. Safety Assessment for EAC Certification
  17. Strength Calculation for EAC Certification
  18. Safety Data Sheets for EAC Certification
  19. EAC Ignition Hazard Assessment for EAC Certification
  20. Acceptance Records and Test Reports
  21. EAC Pressure Vessel Passport for EAC Certification
  22. Technical Passport for EAC Certification
  23. Drawings for EAC Certification
  24. Certificates for Material and Components
  25. Existing Certificates (e.g. EAC, GOST, ISO)
  26. Certificates for the Quality Management System
  27. Proof of Qualification for Personnel
  28. Technical EAC Documentations
  29. Material Inspection Records
  30. Customs Tariff Number

EAC Certification for Diverse Product Groups

EAC Certification is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union.

The Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU States):

  • 001/2011 TR CU - EAC Certificate for Rail Vehicles
  • 002/2011 TR CU - EAC Certificate for High Speed Trains
  • 003/2011 TR CU - EAC Certificate for Railway Infrastructure
  • 004/2011 TR CU - EAC Certificate for Low Voltage Equipment
  • 005/2011 TR CU - EAC Certificate for Packaging
  • 006/2011 TR CU - EAC Certificate for Pyrotechnic Products
  • 007/2011 TR CU - EAC Certificate for Products for Children
  • 008/2011 TR CU - EAC Certificate for Toys
  • 009/2011 TR CU - EAC Certificate for Perfumes and Cosmetics
  • 010/2011 TR CU - EAC Certificate for Machinery and Equipment
  • 011/2011 TR CU - EAC Certificate for Elevators
  • 012/2011 TR CU - EAC Certificate for Explosive Equipment
  • 013/2011 TR CU - EAC Certificate for Fuels and Propellants
  • 014/2011 TR CU - EAC Certificate for Highways
  • 015/2011 TR CU - EAC Certificate for Grain
  • 016/2011 TR CU - EAC Certificate for Gaseous Fuels
  • 017/2011 TR CU - EAC Certificate for Clothing and Footwear
  • 018/2011 TR CU - EAC Certificate for Vehicles and Car Parts
  • 019/2011 TR CU - EAC Certificate for Personal Protective Equipment
  • 020/2011 TR CU - EAC Certificate for Electromagnetic Compatibility
  • 021/2011 TR CU - EAC Certificate for Food 
  • 022/2011 TR CU - EAC Marking for Food 
  • 023/2011 TR CU - EAC Certificate for Fruit and Vegetable Juices
  • 024/2011 TR CU - EAC Certificate for Oil and Fat Products
  • 025/2012 TR CU - EAC Certificate for Furniture and Home Accessories
  • 026/2012 TR CU - EAC Certificate for Small Vessels
  • 027/2012 TR CU - EAC Certificate for Specialized Food Products
  • 028/2012 TR CU - EAC Certificate for Explosives
  • 029/2012 TR CU - EAC Certificate for Food Additives
  • 030/2012 TR CU - EAC Certificate for Special Liquids
  • 031/2012 TR CU - EAC Certificate for Agricultural Tractors
  • 032/2013 TR CU - EAC Certificate for Pressure Equipment
  • 033/2013 TR CU - EAC Certificate for Milk and Dairy Products
  • 034/2013 TR CU - EAC Certificate for Meat and Meat Products
  • 035/2013 TR CU - EAC Certificate for Tobacco Products
  • 036/2016 TR EEU - EAC Certificate for Hydrocarbon Gas
  • 037/2016 TR EEU - EAC Certificate for Hazardous Substances
  • 038/2016 TR EEU - EAC Certificate for Attractions
  • 039/2016 TR EEU - EAC Certificate for Mineral Fertilizers
  • 040/2017 TR EEU - EAC Certificate for Fish and Fish Products
  • 041/2017 TR EEU - EAC Certificate for Chemicals
  • 042/2017 TR EEU - EAC Certificate for Specialized Equipment
  • 043/2017 TR EEU - EAC Certificate for Fire Protection Products
  • 044/2017 TR EEU - EAC Certificate for Mineral Water
  • 045/2017 TR EEU - EAC Certificate for Mineral Oil Products
  • 046/2018 TR EEU - EAC Certificate for Natural Gas Products
  • 047/2018 TR EEU - EAC Certificate for Products Containing Alcohol
  • 048/2019 TR EEU - EAC Certificate for Energy Efficiency of Electrical Appliances 
  • 049/2020 TR EEU - EAC Certificate for Long-Distance Pipelines
  • 050/2021 TR EEU - EAC Certificate for Civil Protection
  • 051/2021 TR EEU - EAC Certificate for poultry meat
  • 052/2021 TR EEU - EAC Certificate for metro vehicles

Authorized Representative for EAC Certification

The Eurasian Economic Union regulations require that the manufacturer must have a registered office in the Common Economic Territory in order to apply for EAC Certification or EAC Declaration. If that is not the case, a representative of the manufacturer is required to carry out the EAC Declaration and EAC Certification processes in the Customs Union. The representative must be located in one of the member states of the Customs Union. Often, a business partner of the manufacturer from one of the states of the Eurasian Economic Union acts as the applicant. In those cases, it is necessary to take into account that, afterwards, only this distributor owns the exclusive right of distribution for the whole certification period and must issue an authorization of sales activities for all other distributors.

If you wish to remain independent of individual distributors, we can provide you with a contract person. This task can be carried out by our Russian branch in Moscow or Novosibirsk. After successful certification, we will issue an authorization of sales activity to all your business partners. If you decide over time to part with certain partners or to engage new ones, we will assist you in your decisions and adjust the authorization for sales accordingly.

Our Services

We offer the following services to our clients:

  1. Professional consulting for EAC Labeling of Various Product Groups
  2. Professional consulting for EAC Certification of Various Product Groups
  3. Professional consulting for EAC Declaration of Diverse Product Groups
  4. Professional Export Consulting for Russia and EEU Countries
  5. Execution of EAC Certification and EAC Declaration

For further questions regarding EAC Certification, EAC Marking and EAC Declaration, please contact us.